Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Amalaki: A healing Herb

Common Name:
Emblic myrobalan (Eng.)

Sanskrit Name:
Amalaki- Means 'sustainer of health'
Dhatri- Means "Nurse' as it nourishes so many aspect of human health
Amrita- Means 'nectar' because of its nutritive and rejuvenative value

Lt. Name:
Embelica officinalis- Euphorbiaceae

Bio energetics:
Rasa- It contains all the six tastes except Lavana (Salty one) But Amla (Sour) dominate over the others.
Guna (Characteristics)- Guru (Heavy); Ruksha (Rough)
Veerya (Potency)- Sheeta (Cool and calm)
Vipaka (Post digestion effect)- Madhura (Sweet)

Chemical composition:
The fruit contains a series of diterpenes referred to as the gibberellins, as well as the triterpene lupeol, flavonoids (e.g. kaempherol-3-O-β-Dglucoside, quercetin-3-O-β-Dglucoside), and polyphenols (e.g. emblicanin A and B,punigluconin and pedunculagin). Also present are the phyllantine and zeatin alkaloids, and a number of benzenoids including amlaic acid, corilagin, ellagic acid, 3-6-di-O-galloyl-glucose, ethyl gallate, 1,6-di-O-galloyl-β-Dglucose, 1-di-O-galloyl-β-Dglucose, putranjivain A, digallic acid, phyllemblic acid, emblicol, and alactaric acid

Effect on Tridosha (Three bio humors):
It pacifies all the three Doshas i.e. maintains the balance of all Doshas that is why it is one of the best rejuvenator according to Ayurveda.

Actions according to Ayurveda:
Vaya sthapana- Enhances the longevity and delays the signs of aging
Virechanopaga- Aids in the function of Virechana (Therapeutic purgation) medicine
Haritaki samam- It is also useful in management of the diseases where Haritaki is useful
Rakta pittaghnam- Useful in management of bleeding tendencies
Rasayanam- Rejuvenates the body
Chakshushya- Tonic for eyes
Vrushya- Increases sexual desire


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